Friday, April 13, 2007

Gel's trip home part 4 - saying goodbye

On Chrissie and Aps' last day we went to Day's Bay for a picnic.

We went out to dinner on my last night, and then some of the family came to the airport to say goodbye. No one cried. Honest.

Gel's trip home part 3 - my adorable niece

I finally got to meet my niece (and god daughter) while I was home. We spent lots of time together going to play centre, music group and supermarket shopping. Her dad was very good at sharing and I even got to babysit a couple of times (well sort of anyway). She is very spoilt (but that's not her fault) and she made it very hard to come back to the UK.

Gel's trip home part 2 - parties and barbies

While I was home over Easter we had Franny's engagement party and Mum and Dad's anniversary party and barbeque. All were really fun and a great chance to catch up with family and some very good family friends.

Franny and Gareth


Mum, Jess and Gram

Dad and Chrissie on the dance floor

Julie and family

Gel's trip home part 1 - visits with friends

Over Easter I went home to see family and friends. In my first week I went on a road trip with mum to Palmy, Taupo and Taranaki. I caught up with Rach from SNZ, my friend Maree from primary school, who now has a 4 month old baby, and Kelly and Tracy from high school.

Me and Rach

Maree and baby Zach

Maree and me

On the way to Taranaki we went through Whangamomona. Good times.

Weekends away with Vic and Dianne

Earlier this year Gel and Mike went to stay with Vic and Dianne in their new place near Oxford. We finally got to go into Oxford and have a look around. It's a very lovely town. Dianne works in the library of the Student Union. The building she works in is very old and a little spooky - very cool.

The four of us also went away together to the east coast a few weeks ago and stayed in a little B&B in a very little town. Our walk on the first day got us very muddy, but that's all part of the fun isn't it?